Friday, May 6, 2011

Hard To Swallow

A lot has happened since January, but today is a very rough day for me and I think there is some healing to be had in writing.

As soon as I returned from my visit with my boyfriend in New York, my mom let me in on a plan that had just been forming for the last 1 or 2 days. We knew we weren't going to be able to stay in our house for much longer because of a many stagnant situation. Everyone used to live down here with us, but now we were the minority who still hadn't moved to central Florida or higher. Jobs were far and few which is why I was working in fast food and why my mom was more often unemployed than employed. The only really stable thing about where we were was that my sister was still finishing her senior year of high school. Other than that, we were all ready to move somewhere new. My mom thought it would be a good idea for just me and her to move to Orlando first, and have my sister and stepdad join us after graduation.

I had to skip a semester of school and it took a few months more than we planned, but in mid-March we were in our new house in Orlando. My best friend Autumn lived no more than 10 minutes from me now and with no job or school, I had all the time in the world to hang out with her.
A month later my sister and stepdad visited and brought our two dogs up with them to start living at the new house. I was going through the enrolling process at the nearby junior college and job hunting, and everything was looking better and better.

At some earlier point in April, my stepdad drove up to spend the weekend here, and left my sister at home to watch the dogs. I found out through Autumn that a big party was thrown at my old house that weekend and that it had some very bad people at it who were pulling out knives, doing drugs in my old bedroom, and having sex in my parents' bed. My sister also apparently felt the whole thing backfire on her and learned the true colors of some people she had considered friends, but all of that aside, she was in huge trouble. She was supposed to be grounded until the end of April, I guess, but she was going out with friends again in less time than that because it was understood that she legitamately was sorry and had no bad friends anymore.

The only hiccup between then and now was that she took her senior trip to Universal Studios and lost her cell phone and had an awful time. Other than that, smooth sailing.

Oh, except for yesterday when my mom woke me up early in the morning to tell me that my sister was (save for a conclusive test) about 2 months pregnant.

I wasn't particularly shocked at the concept, but the reality. I saw her with a growing belly, with a tiny newborn, with a toddler and struggling. I saw a baby in our new house. I saw my little sister giving our mom the first grandchild. I saw her coming back to her old self and growing up and having an anchor to responsibility. I saw my niece or nephew.
Then everything happened very swiftly. My dad (real dad) took a no-nonsense stance immediately and pressured my mom to push for my sister to choose abortion. "She's not going to have no future, this has to get taken care of now." My mom texted him back with tears in her eyes to remind him that it wasn't that easy and that this was their grandchild. It didn't sway him much and he offered to pay for the procedure. So did my mom's mom.
None of us had heard yet what my sister wanted to do about it.
I had never really talked to her about it hypothetically, and so I had no idea which way she would go. But I hoped she would want to keep it.

But I don't know what it's like to be 17 and dealing with that. Without even an hour of sitting on the fence, she decided she did not want it. The father didn't either. My mom and I decided to keep our mouths shut about how we felt because we didn't want her to make a choice she wasn't satisfied with for the rest of her life. My mom was afraid that if we made her keep it, she would always resent it and it wouldn't get the love it needed from her.

She didn't ask for advice, and she didn't flip-flop on it. She just did not want it and was "trying not to even think about it".

I'm sad for her situation. She's young. The guy was never her boyfriend. She's not particulary mature and I didn't truly expect her to want to keep it, but I just hoped she would. I don't know if she's as collected inside as she is on the surface right now. It would really bother me if she was, actually.

My mom has already driven home and the appointment for the procedure has been set for tomorrow morning. I'm terribly sad and I wish there was something I could do to change her mind. This little baby is growing and living right now and I have to squash it down already as something that will never be. It's just nearly gone, but I know that at this moment it is here. I've been crying all morning.Will my sister ever know how I cried for her? Will she ever ask me if I wanted her to get rid of it like our dad did? Will she just assume that I was on his side? Or will she know that I saw a baby I was ready to open my heart for and love forever?
My mom heard me choke when she told me that they set the appointment. "This wouldn't work. It's just a bad situation. She's so young and she doesn't want it and you know how she is. We know how she is. And you know she does whatever drugs, who knows if it would even come out okay? This wouldn't work, there's nothing we can do. It's gonna be okay."

Everything is against the baby, she's right about that. The parents don't want it. There is no money to raise it. My sister is leaps and bounds from being ready for a baby in every way you could think of.
It will hurt less someday, but every now and then when I shed a few tears for my Papa, the only close family I've ever seen pass, I will think of my sister's baby too. I'm not religious at all, but I do imagine that my Papa knows when I am crying for him, watching me from some kind of Heaven. Maybe he'll keep this baby by him when I cry. I'll never know if it's for the better because it's not like we wouldn't have made this work if she did want to have her baby. It just tears me up inside and I don't think I can ever tell her. By the time I'd be ready, we would be grown women, and I would be digging up a touchy subject. So I'll probably keep it inside forever, and years from now if no one else is crying for this baby's memory, I will be. Now more than ever I see that it is the people you love the most who hurt you the worst.

- Erica

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this is a late comment, but I guess all I can say is that I've seen too many people get pregnant so young who I know will treat their children like shit in the future and to be honest, I think that's a life not worth them living. Granted, there are exceptions, but unfortunately things don't work as nicely as they did in Juno. Too many kids are in adoption agencies as it is and some foster parents end up being total abusive fucks. It's a lose/lose situation, unfortunately.

What bothers me is the fact that your sister had unprotected sex with some guy she barely knew. I'm getting tired of that excuse that the boy didn't like condoms yada yada yada, which is mostly some bullshit they spew so they don't embarrass themselves trying to fumble with it with no actual idea of what to do. (Without proper sex education, this is what happens.)

Abortion is a touchy subject and although I believe in the right to choose, I can see how it being your sister how different things must feel. However, I can't say I ever really view a fetus as a kid and I personally am incapable of really going through pregnancy just purely because of being tocophobic. At the same time, the process itself is different than the concept of getting it. It stuns me that people are capable of casually getting 7 abortions, while there are others who are traumatized by just having 1 and filled with guilt for the rest of their life. I wonder if your sister made it through alright on that note. :/

Anyway my two cents. Long comment is long.